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#161:Show Your Cards

Season:  2
Number:  161
Wave:  1
Color:  purple
Suit:  suits suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  1000
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics

I am a rational person, but that does not make me narrow-minded. I can imagine that which I cannot see. I can allow for improbable possibilities. There may be one or more deities. There may even be another world, fanciful as it seems. But after all my investigations, I have yet to see evidence of any phenomenon beyond those governed by natural law.

Each investigation is a puzzle. I am presented with an event which appears to be super natura, and it is my duty to find its logical solution. The conjurers of these effects may go to extraordinary lengths to deceive their audience, but always there is a physical explanation.

Hope is the greatest lie: easiest to believe and hardest to disprove. But such is my task.

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:50 PDT