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#066:Born Free

Season:  2
Number:  066
Wave:  1
Color:  yellow
Suit:  suits suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  460
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
Hollywood is full of stars from around the world, but it can often be surprising to learn which countries they're really from. Can you match these actors to their correct nationalities?

Kim Cattrall
Mel Gibson
Russell Crowe
Jean Reno
Audrey Hepburn
Charlize Theron
Michael J Fox

New Zealander
South African

The Dice (October 11 - November 10)

While you have a reputation for being a risk-taker, those close to you know that you are always very carefully calculating the odds. Srendipity follows you wherever you go, though it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is fate that smiles on you or if you simply have a knack for social engineering.

Still, when you lose, you tend to lose in a big way. Although Dice are very conscious of risk, you're also a sucker for the romance of a long shot, and will sometimes make poor decisions out of misplaced optimism. For this reason, Dice tend to do poorly in business and should avoid responsibility for finances whenever possible. Many Dice wisely live with their parents long after they have reached adulthood.

Dice are very gregarious and social, and in fact live to be with other people. Dice should avoid relationships with homebodies such as Spiders or Mazes, as they can't end well. Dragons are the best life partners for you, though such relationships are always volatile. You are best suited for careers in creative fields, such as puzzle development, drama, or cooking.

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:47 PDT