Misprints and Rarities

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#013:If You Go Down To The Woods Today

How many animals can you see in this forest scene?
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Curriculum Vitae
Cassia Temple
Age: 28
Address: 3 The Old Apothecary
Devil's Staircase
Artists' Quarter
Perplex City
Subject(s): Psychology, Linguistic Programming, Perception studies
Previous Posts: Apolyton Institute - Junior Psychology Researcher - 262-263
Apolyton Institute - Project Head: 'Evolution' - 263-265
Fraction Media - Development Consultant, The Lab - 265-267
Perplex City Academy - Junior Fellow, Social Sciences - 267-
"The Influence of Anxiety: Strategising Fear in Social Situations,"
Psych Review, Issue 4, 265
"Order: Creating Demand through Verbal Suggestion,"
Marketing Theory, June 266
Inside The Lab, Fraction Publications
The Anarchist Next Door, Fraction Publications
Interests: Practical game research, Building renovation, Music
A little unorthodox, but Wildwood..(Word too illegible)...her praises. Could be an interesting addition to the mix. On balance, I agree.