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13th labour badge

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Season:  2
Number:  005
Wave:  1
Color:  red
Suit:  dice suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  110
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
To celebrate the completion of the great temple, a feast for all the people was arranged. Ixtlilton had been tasked with preparing a drink of chocolate and spices to be served at the occasion, but in the excitement and chaos of the day the storage jars and been moved around. In which jars are located the chocolate, vanilla and cinnamon?

This spear sleeps not on an island
Admist a fog of air and water
But in a void, forever holding its breath
Waiting for a deadly silence

And when the song ceases, this spear exhales
Pushing off the top of the slide
Falling down a blue-green well
No longer free of the forces below

This spear sights down, kissing the horizon
Then slices into its hidden shield
Formed of a furious wind
Thjat scours its blade and sears its shaft

Wreathed with fire, this spear charges on
Rushing to answer the call of its colours
Whose banner is planted as a target
That emerges ahead through the blinding flames

This spear curls through the air
Trembling with speed, it sings
And in its wake, stripped molecules dance
Witness to the fury unfolding

With ten thousand others, it strikes
Tearing the earth apart in symphony
Until nothing moves or sees or hears
And this spear sleeps again, fulfilled

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:44 PDT