Misprints and Rarities

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#002:Issue 1 - Break In

"Marlowe got me the code this afternoon. Now I'm hoping the old man is a heavy sleeper."
"Marlowe! The idiot missed the last two digits. But it looks like it follows some sort of pattern..."
"What are the last two digits?"
Card Back:

DAY 23
7.00AM After a late night of finishing their weekly research, the Subjects are awoken by an alarm sound of Morse code filling the sleeping quarters. Three of the more eager Subjects rush to grab a pencil and paper while the rest groan about beauty sleep.
11.55AM The Lab Technician calls the Subjects to their desks and sets them this week's puzzle challenge. The four Subjects with the lowest solve rating will be placed at the public's mercy later this week.
12.20PM While the majority of Subjects appear completely stumped - with two seen head in hands - three have raced ahead in the challenge. If only the others had paid attention to the Morse code alarm, the key to the first cipher would be a breeze.
5.25PM Subject Mikhail makes a breakthrough in his current research project, earning him guaranteed funding and protection from expulsion for the next week. In celebration, he openly runs to hug fellow researcher Stephanie. In the background, William attempts to hide his outrage and knocks over the flask he has been working with for the last hour.