Misprints and Rarities

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#200:A Dream of Babel
-unction and ongoing efforts to
-tafiction with actual history.
-data i-
-an cu-
-f, evo-
-ed through the data link.
-fiction and what is non-
-s clear.
-e been dealt with, but
-afictional literature.
-tives of any media
-similar to episto-
-s and correspon-
-broader, in the
-d' manuscripts
-erplex City
-here are
-ng and
-works are identical in status to-
-se or 'Robin Hood' and 'King Arthur' (i.e. they are still under debate
by Earth scholars, who have access to primary sources), it is the
authors' belief that the absence of Earth literature means that no debate
exists, and so they are either obviously (to Earth dwellers) fictional
or non-fictitional.
To recap, due to the large amount of literature and information being
recieved over the data link from Earth, it was extremely difficult for
scholars to determine what was fact and what was fiction, and even
today, there is some dispute as to the reality of the following events of
1. Hawthorne's bizarre fiction of a Allied victory.
2. The shocking defeat of the US Army at Grover's Mill.
3. M. le Comte J. N. A. de Fortsas' unparalleled collection of rare books.
4. The exploits of Jimmy Valentine's son.
5. Teach's use of a coded rhyme to recruit new students, for just a song
and sixpence.
6. The unforgivably dense error of G. and C. Merriam, lying in between
'dorcopsis' and 'doré'.
7. The bestselling octolingual writer from Florin City, S. Morgenstern
and his tales of adventure and romance.
Scholars in Perplex City are still trying to determine which - if any of
these works is acually true. In the following sections of this paper
we will discuss the balance of evidence for these seven works and
invent our own conclusions.
August 2005 (V-
The Click
Roll for Damage played
their first gig here in the
cramped and swelter-
ingly hot conditions of
the upstairs bar.