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#174:Jaunty Paul

Season:  1
Number:  174
Wave:  2
Color:  purple
Suit:  circle suit
Corner:  top right corner
Card's Points:  44
Card Group's Points:  176
Reverse:  map reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
In a Perplex City gameshow
hosted by Jaunty Paul, you're
presented with 3 doors. Behind
one of the doors is a yacht, and
the other two doors hide goats.
Imagine you pick door A. Before
you open it, Jaunty (who knows
where everything is) steps in
and opens up door C, which
has one of the goats behind it.
He then asks you, "Are you
absolutely sure you want to
stick with your choice, or do you
want to switch to door B?"

What is the probability that
you'll get the yacht if you stay
with door A, and what's the
probability if you switch to door

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PXCCC 2.0 2007-03-05 22:48:05 PST