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Season:  1
Number:  144
Wave:  2
Color:  blue
Suit:  circle suit
Corner:  bottom right corner
Card's Points:  36
Card Group's Points:  144
Reverse:  map reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
Your task is to crack the secret code which is made up of four coloured pegs. Bear
in mind that the codemaker has six possible colours to make up the code (red, yellow,
green, blue, white and black) and that the same colour may appear more than once
in the final solution. On the board below four incorrect guesses have been made. The
codemaker uses a mini black pin to indicate a correct colour in the right position
and a mini white pin to indicate a correct colour but in the wrong position.
It is possible to figure out the code with your next guess. What is it?

MASTERMIND ©1981 Pressman Toy Corporation. By agreement with Invicta Plastics Ltd. UK

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PXCCC 2.0 2007-03-05 22:48:01 PST