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#129:Dot Gone

Season:  1
Number:  129
Wave:  3
Color:  blue
Suit:  ivy suit
Corner:  top left corner
Card's Points:  33
Card Group's Points:  132
Reverse:  map reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
Internet fever

... gripped Earth during the last few
years of the twentieth century. The bubble, as it came to be
called, finally burst on March 11th,
2000.The NASDAQ crashed and brought
to an abrupt end a period of
extraordinary financial irrational
exuberance. It wasn't the first time
investors had gotten so carried away
(who could forget the tulip bulb craze
of the 1630's or the South Sea Bubble of
1711?) and it certainly won't be the

The boom spawned thousands of new
companies flush with venture capital
financing. Many of these companies
burned brightly and then slipped quietly
into obsolescence or were acquired
by competitors for a fraction of their
former value. You might even have
shopped at some of them before their
virtual doors shut forever.

Can you identify these four

Magine Hall

Magine Hall was built by Peter Alten
in 64 AC as a second home in the
then-new Magine Park. Today the
hall is open to the public, but with
the exception of it attractive
gardens, vistor numbers have been

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PXCCC 2.0 2007-03-05 22:48:01 PST