Misprints and Rarities

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#101:Petals Around The Rose
There aren't many things that are guaranteed to strike
fear into the heart of Bill Gates, but Petals Around The
Rose is one of them. Unlike normal puzzles, it's said that
the smarter you are, the longer it takes you to work out
the rules behind this fiendish game, because you start
coming up with outlandishly complex formulas to explain
it. It's said that Bill took rather a long time on this one,
and almost fooled people into thinking he'd solved it when
he hadn't, by memorising dozens of dice rolls. Of course,
he did get it in the end - eventually.
Here's how it works: You roll five dice, and from them, you
have to work out the number of 'petals around the rose'.
There is only a single correct answer for each roll. We've
included a number of rolls and answers below.
Can you figure out the rules behind Petals Around
The Rose? What's the answer for this roll?