Misprints and Rarities

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Several hundred words are added to the Oxford English Dictionary every year, but only after careful consideration and research; it can take years before a word makes it into the dictionary after its first use. Here are some brand new words that haven't made it in yet (and may never will).
Can you figure out what they mean?
1.darknet · A Marvel's newest superhero - a sentient network of dark matter that fights crime. B a type of night-time fishing device invented by Earl Stephenson in 1714. C a shady way of entrapping criminals involving illegal electronic surveillance. D the collection of networks and technologies used to share copyrighted digital content.
2.pomosexual · A someone who shuns rigid sexual categories such as heterosexual and bisexual. B a man who doesn't know the difference between teal and aqua and doesn't care. C someone who has an unusual but fulfilling relationship with pomegranates. D someone who switches sexual categories regularly
3.bluejacking · A gaining partial access to someone's mobile phone using the Bluetooth protocol. B the funky and fresh new name for the Young Conservatives. C a fusion of hip-hop dance and blues music. D the feeling given to a player who loses big at blackjack.
4.hasbian · A a former thespian who no longer participates in drama. B a former lesbian who is now in a heterosexual relationship. C a fan of Hasbro's board games. D celebrities who engage in lesbian antics in order to attract publicity.
5.irritable male syndrome · A a phenomenon observed approximately 24 hours following a wedding. B a phenomenon observed whenever a partner discusses previous relationships. C a state of hypersensitivity, frustration and anger in males caused by testosterone deficiency. D a state of hypersensitivity, frustration and anger in females caused by uncommunicative males.