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#068:Picto Dot

Season:  1
Number:  068
Wave:  3
Color:  yellow
Suit:  ivy suit
Corner:  bottom right corner
Card's Points:  17
Card Group's Points:  68
Reverse:  map reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
answer the questions, then connect the dots in that order. what animal have you created?

1 - XLIX
2 - 4!
3 - only number whose letters are in alphabetical order
4 - keys on a piano
5 - only number that is twice the sum of its digits
6 - what triskaidekophobics fear
7 - clickety click
8 - 101100
9 - pounds in a stone
10 - cow stomachs
11 - french hens my true love gave to me
12 - platinum jubilee
13 - pele's shirt
14 - smallest perfect number
15 - huit in french
16 - sides on a 50p pence (sic) piece
17 - fairport convention album
18 - nigel tufnel's amp goes to this
19 - number on herbie
20 - age of elvis when he died
21 - military-controlled area in Nevada
22 - spots on a standard die
23 - labours of hercules
24 - german international dialing code

Meridian Cross

The Meridian Cross area east of
magine Park has seen a explosive
amount of development in the last three
decades with the development of new
building materials and the growth
of the cognition, AI and bioscience
industries. New companies such as
Endocraft have based their headquarters
here, while Cognivia have established a
new division.

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Corrections? Suggestions? Contribute directly or email
PXCCC 2.0 2007-03-05 22:47:54 PST