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#041:Whipsmart Wordsearch
At Whipsmart, we've been making Perplex City's favourite ice cream
for over twenty years. Our ice cream isn't just delicious -it improves
your IQ too! That's because Whip Smart cows are bred for their
intelligence and puzzle solving skills. Check out our website at
www.whipsmartice.com for more details.
Within the wordsearch below, we've hidden the names of
our ten bestselling flavours. You might not be familiar with
them but we can guarantee you'll love them!
Bring your completed wordsearch to Whip Smart for your free scoop of ice cream. v
Offer not open to employees of Whip Smart, their families, milkmaids or cows.
Whip Smart, 16 Lorenz Curve, Mobius Strip, Perplex City