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13th labour badge

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Season:  2
Number:  102
Wave:  1
Color:  green
Suit:  dice suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  650
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics

It snowed hard all that morning and was very cold, and my nose was much swelled with cold. I took breakfast with my wife, Jean, our son Kit and our servant Maud, and from thence repaired first to the Refectory where mong the other Academicians took sack-posset and talked of the war. Hard news had come from the east. My Lady Percine's line was broke, and the City had not time enough to do much in her own defence. We members of the Academy are gossiping creatures, and the sombre news did not stop up our tongues.

Rauncibald, who tinkers with mechanical men, declared that her work would bear fruit within a year, and that we should see a great army of metal soldiers defeat out enemies. This was greeted with much hilarity.

Etting, a historian of beady eye reminded us of wars past, and made much of her certainty that no war could touch the City itself. At this, much general agreement.

Maleverer the mathematician kept silence through this debate and at length, young Crews, the organ-player jested with him that he was struck dumb with fear.

Maleverer, a haggard man, spoke at last. His eye was grim and his brow furrowed as he said that we should soon see that he had no reason for fear, but that our enemies would know it and that right soon.

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:48 PDT