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Season:  2
Number:  014
Wave:  2
Color:  red
Suit:  unknown suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  130
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
A man was found murdered one Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police.

+ The wife said she was in bed reading a book
+ The cook claimed she was cooking breakfast
+ The gardener claimed he was planting seeds
+ The maid claimed she was getting the mail
+ The butler claimed he was polishing the silver

The police instantly arrested the murderer. Whom did they arrest? (New card suit, Pixel/Tetris)

Curriculum Vitae
Marius Finch
Age: 23
Address: 6 Avagadro Heights
Lennox Range
Perplex City

Subject(s): History, Engieering - special interest in Linguistic Development.

Previous posts: University College - Teaching Fellow, Dept of History - 267-268
Academy Museum - Deputy Curator, Technology - 268-


"Coining it: Parallel developments in Language and Technology,"
Modern Linguistics, Winter 268

"Backwards and Forwards: Attitudes to Pre-War Technology,"
CTS, Spring 269

The Silicon Bubble, University College Press

Charnel, Amandier Poetry Press

Interests: Earth literature, creative writing, Member of the Lore Society, Mechanical puzzles
Strong puzzle scribe candidate - but psychological profile and security checks raise some issues. Pass to senior fellows for assessment.

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:45 PDT