The following information is a collection of hints and solutions to the Card Catalog's puzzle trail. It is presented in the old Infocom InvisiClues(tm) format which means that several hints are offered--starting from simple nudges to nearly complete answers.

Q:  What is the welcome message?

Q:  What's the second coded message?

Q:  What is the gift?

Q:  Huh? Jump?

Q:  Binary?

Q:  I can't figure out these queens.

Q:  I can't figure out these other queens.

Q:  How do I figure out the base metals?

Q:  That's a lot of candles.

Q:  What was it that Spock said?

Q:  Three columns...

Q:  Sudoku

Q:  The sudoku is solved, but what are the ovals?

Q:  Why did the chicken cross the road?

Q:  Resistance is Futile!

Q:  What's this grid with numbers outside?

Q:  I see a bunch of hex. What's that?

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