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13th labour badge

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#105:Home Town

Season:  2
Number:  105
Wave:  1
Color:  green
Suit:  crosses suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  660
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
The card reads: "In which cities did these cars originate?" and the 5 licence plates read:
NOK-9O1 (with a circle of stars and the letters FIN beside it)
1129 CNT
DNE 414
H12 YWD (with a picture of the state of Florida behind it)

6am. time for the early service. my morning begins here each day. everyone who lives in the compound gathers for the first prayers of the day in the main hall. i like this time. it lets me see all of my friends gathered together and remember that we are all part of a family, of a whole.

when the leaders gather on the dais, everyone goes quiet. now, we all close our eyes. for minutes we sit in silence, purifying our minds and communing with the Cube. as individuals we speak to It but, as a group, we walk together following Its guidance.

on occasion our leader will speak of our relations with the city. he asks us to pray for our brothers unable to live with us in the compound, he asks us to pray that they be given fair treatment by others. others seem to fear us, to hate us, to be worried by our very presence.

i pray for them all.

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:48 PDT