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Season:  2
Number:  035
Wave:  1
Color:  orange
Suit:  suits suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  280
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
Can you match the band to their tribute?

Bjorn Again
Definitely Might Be
Stoned Again
Fully Clothed Gents
Whole Lotta Led
One Step Behind
Floydian Slip
The Muffin Men

Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd
Bare Naked Ladies
Frank Zappa
The Rolling Stones

A group of people were nearby, stood watching someone play a new puzzle game. It looked complex - lights flashed, the guy reacted and I looked away. All round me, people were playing with puzzles in different ways. A girl sat alone at the counter swivelling in her chair, pen in mouth, puzzle book open. Across the room, people looked at their keys, passing the time with the latest Sentinel riddles. Even a glance at the clockwouldn't get you a straight answer, the squares chanign the code each second. I took a sip of the coffee. It tasted bitter; filter coffee of course. Well, how else could they offer bottomless cups? Then I remembered, I wasn't drinking here for the quality.

The door opened again, causing the room to shiver. This time though, the intruder caught my eye. No bustling entrance, no over exaggerated gestures of relief, just quickly in and to a table. The waitress ambled over to her, listing today's specials. Not for her. Just coffee; black lots of sugar. I grabbed a napkin from the holder. It asked me, "When's the best time to have lunch?" and I screwed it into a ball. No riddle for me thanks.

If this was her, she wasn't what I was expecting. But then I guess I didn't really know what to epxect. I shuffled from behind my table and headed towards her. She didn't turn.

I opened my mouth and everything changed.


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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:45 PDT