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#033:Stepping Stones

Season:  2
Number:  033
Wave:  1
Color:  orange
Suit:  suits suit
Corner:   corner
Card's Points:  280
Card Group's Points:  0
Reverse:  special reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
Official Statistics
We came at last to the hidden grove that separated us from the palace. Between us and the palace stood an underground lake, covered with water lilies large enough for a man to stand on. Protruding from the surface were sturdy rocks on which stood idols to the Shichi Fukujin. This was a sacred place: in crossing we would have to pass each statue and pay tribute. We crossed the lake together, both standing on the same water lilies, but the giant leaves began to sink as soon as we stood on them, blocking the path back.

Which statue did we pass twice?


With Police Lieutenant Cornelius Day-Etherrington and this week's guest detective, Perplex City Academy's Tippy Ankron


Cornelius: Well, a-looky here. It's chear that Miss Duncan won't be winning any prizes in the Perplex City Fashion Games.

Tippy: Poor Helix. Imagine this coming in the front door.

Cornelius: And are those trainers without socks? Now, Serena, that's just not nice.

Tippy: Not to mention the fact that the rest of her clothes look like they've coome from a rummage bin.

Cornelius: I know, Tippy, I know. This is not how we expect our city's icons to turn out, even whilst training.

Tippy: There is no excuse.

Cornelius: Now for cropped trousers, Tippy, no. I think we can give this ensemble two out of ten. One point for the specs, and one because Harrison Louelle is a personal friend.

Sentinel Sunday

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PXCCC 2.0 2009-05-02 21:06:45 PDT