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#095:Lazy Susan

Season:  1
Number:  095
Wave:  4
Color:  yellow
Suit:  water suit
Corner:  bottom left corner
Card's Points:  24
Card Group's Points:  96
Reverse:  map reverse
Playing Card: 
Number Marks: 
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For my birthday party, I decided to take four of my fellow scribes out to one of the new Chinese-style Earth restaurants that'd sprung up on Alchemy Bay. Each of the five of us ordered a different dish, and the plates were placed on a Lazy Susan in front of the person who ordered them. That's when it got interesting, and people started spinning the Lazy Susan around to sample other dishes, accompanied with 'whooshing' noises...

First, we moved the Lazy Susan 3 places clockwise. Next, Tippy and Caine swapped the plates in front of them. We then moved the Lazy Susan 4 more places clockwise. Kurt reached over to get his plate back again, and swapped it with the one in front of him. Finally, Tippy swapped the dish in front of her with the plate that I ordered.

If the Lazy Susan was then revolved 4 places anti-clockwise, whose order did Garnet have sitting in front of him?

(From the top, clockwise, Tippy, Kurt, Anna (me), Caine, Garnet)


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PXCCC 2.0 2007-03-05 22:47:56 PST